Maddi - #TeenArtistsUnite
The word art is such a broad term; there is not one definition of it. For a while, I never considered myself an actual artist, but then I realized there is no such thing as an “actual artist.” Art shows a great deal of variety; it allows people to put their emotion into something and then share it with other people. In simpler terms, it is a way to express. Art is what drives this generation. We use our creative geniuses to make statements, and fight for what we believe in. That to me is very powerful. The statement can be expressed through a song, poem, film, painting, anything. As long as we never stop expressing ourselves, we can make a difference. Art can provoke emotion in a way that is more influential than anything else. After dealing with a number of challenges in life, I have finally been able to find myself through art. Journaling is how I relieve stress and demonstrate my feelings. It is something I have fallen in love with doing and I want to continue doing it. I think it is very important for people to find what they are passionate about and fulfill that.
instagram: @m.addi