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A Story

She spent her nights wondering what she was doing wrong, she felt like the world

was against her. There was no happiness in her, she would spend her days hurting.

She made it seem like she was the happiest girl anyone has ever seen, little did they

know she wasn't. All she needed was for someone to love her, LOVE was the

answer. Whenever she felt sad she would write, write about her feelings and

thoughts on life, since she felt like she had no one to talk to. She looked at the

world as a beautiful place, she loved to look at the sky and forget, just forget about

her problems and responsibilities. She finally found happiness when a boy with his

eyes as blue as the sky and face that can tell a million words began to speak to her.

They would talk for hours and hours with nothing to stop them. She became

happier and happier each day, she found the love and happiness she needed. When

girl meets boy, she has happiness and love.

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