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Brexit: My Thoughts

On June 23rd, Britain voted to leave the European Union. This result was announced the following day, June 24th, at which point, the Prime Minister announced his plans to resign (having been a strong 'remain' supporter, like myself) and the economy crashed.

I happen to have plenty of thoughts on the topic, especially as I live in England, meaning the decision to exit the EU will affect my future, as well as the futures of the other millions of young people living, or planning to live in the UK.,

I started trying to write out reasons why leaving might not be as great as people thought, but when researching this article, I found this video from the Stronger In Campaign website which I thought summed up my thoughts perfectly. This video was intended to persuade people to vote in, but after the vote, I think it does a really good job at explaining why we should have voted in for anyone who does not really understand the whole thing.

Another factor of the referendum that I would like to focus on is age. This was a massive part of the result, and a part which I think is quite unfair.

Only 39% of over 65's voted to remain, whilst for 18-24 year olds, 75% voted in. However, there are so many more over 65's than 18-24 year olds voting that their opinion is the one that counts. To counteract this, there is a petition to let 14-17 year olds vote in a re-vote, so if you are a UK resident and would like to sign it, (there are over 2 million signatures so far!) I will put in a link in here:

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