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Dreams into Reality

A creative idea can go places. A dream can become reality and your hard work will pay off in long run.

For all those creative souls that have wandered into this article - let me introduce myself:

My name is Jemmima Pearl Shelley or Jay/Jem/Mima for short and I currently own a small business both online and locally selling Australian designs. I am still in school (Grade 12 yay) but finishing soon and I live near the sunny coast, in wonderful QLD. I previously worked in a bridal store for over a year selling wedding & formal dresses.

Fun facts about me:

- -I’m super short and always have been

- -I’m a Christian! (which means I have a steady relationship with my creator and God)

- - Coffee lover

- -Very organised and super neat (when I need to be)

- - School captain and leader

- - I cannot do sport. At all.

- - My friends are my favs. x

After a tough time in life and the loss of my part time job, I decided to branch out into using my creative passions and desire to start a business to make money, explore the business world and start a stable "career". Little did I know that there would be only one stable aspect to my business - and that is my faith. I said before that I am a Christian and by trusting in Jesus my saviour and redeemer, I decided to step out in faith with this venture and wholly rely on God’s strength and understanding. I also currently use bible verses to inspire my designs and to share my faith with my customers!

At one stage very early into the business process I realised I was headed in the wrong direction and I was relying on my own strength and ambition. I was being greedy, selfish and loosing quickly the authenticity I was determined to use. That change in mindset marked a positive but difficult time for Elysian Designs and I still haven't reached that dream yet. However, my little business has started on the path of accomplishing goals, milestones and advertising the GOOD I can do through this area of my life. I have a dream of using the funds from the jewellery to go towards ministry, charities, people in need and also to start up many Christian based programs in the future. I have no idea where that will take me, but through the first months of saving I have begun to see the work of God’s hand and how he is providing for me, while still having enough to make a better path for the future. My inspiration is my future, my family, my surroundings, my creativity, my dreams and my God. //

Tips for those who want to start a business or blog:


- Have a steady business plan from the very beginning

- Finance is important

- Document everything, even the little ideas or changes

- Read, read and more reading especially on business skills and techniques

- Find your creative niche or area, something that is completely unique.

- Look at other creatively businesses for inspiration

- Prepare before you launch into it

I don't have it all together and I still worry and cry out in fear when things don't go the way I planned. I have had to build my patience and prayer life just as I have had to build my business, communication, organisational, and time management skills. It's a lot of work and time involved to start up a small business at the end of Grade 11 and into Grade 12.

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