It's Not Always Humans...
It's not always humans ...
I've spent the last three days with people from my school, on a school trip.
We were in the middle of nowhere. In a protected natural area.
A full bus of teenagers driving to this
isolated place surrounded by tall trees and a very large lake.
I was surrounded by many people,
but all I could see and admire were trees.
Lots of things were going through my mind,
it's been a tough few weeks
and this was just what I needed.
I needed nature.
I live near a little forest, I get to see trees every day.
But this was different.
When I'm home I'm alone.
It's only the trees and me.
While I was on this trip there were people with me;
people, trees and I.
I was not alone,
but I realized that sometimes it's not the people
that can make you feel better,
that can make you feel happy or relived.
Sometimes it's nature that has this power
to heal your soul.
I realized this now, that I've spend time
in nature with others,
that not only humans
can make you feel alive,
but nature can too.