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OK is Not Enough

Hey guys! It's Amy, from Fears of Nothing Blog, and I thank The Scrapbook Magazine so much for their chance of letting me submit an article! So without further ado, here is my article. Hope you enjoy it!

From texting I’ve gathered a few things.

1. It is incredibly hard for your fingers to keep up with your thoughts and type the speed you want them to 2. Everyone loses their intelligence and spelling skills when texting 3. Ok is one of the most common phrases

I understand why people like it, and why people use it. When texting, you say “ok” to show that you’re paying attention, that you’re still there and listening. It’s short and easy to use, doesn’t take long to type. I’m guilty of using it too.

But there are certain times, when ok is just not enough. When you say something big for example, or express your anger at something. In those circumstances, saying “ok” is not good enough. If you don’t believe me, imagine the situation in real life. I say I’m really sad or angry, you wouldn’t just respond with “ok”.

I know that you can’t read emotion through text, but just how much emotion can you say “ok” with? Even if it’s a really big moment. Someone’s engagement for example. If your friend (or anyone you know) came up to you and announced “I’m engaged!”, no matter how much excitement you put into the word, “ok” wouldn’t sound good enough.

“Ok” is a pretty good word, is can easily replace works like “yes” and “alright”, but it is becoming very overused. The next time you’re talking to someone over text and you go to say it, see if you can find a better word. Ok?

Instagram: @fearsofnothingblog

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