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Learn to Love Yourself: Body Image

I am passionate about many topics, but one I feel needs attention for girls in today's society is body image. Yeah I know, I'm talking about the same old stuff, but I have not met one girl (including myself) that is not struggling with themselves. There is this constant obsession with trying to be anything but you, body wise. Many of my friends are naturally very skinny and they are freaking out because they want bigger boobs and a bigger butt. Some of my curvier or stockier friends, are constantly wanting a thigh gap, hips bones showing, collar bones out and a teeny waist; and it doesn't stop there. We target certain features of ourselves which we feel are unacceptable; these are usually the things we really can't do anything about. The reality is: we cannot change our body type. Genetics (although annoying) form your physique and when we try to make dramatic changes to them, we become extremely unhealthy. If you are naturally skinny, be proud. It's only when you get to the point of disorder, that you need to make changes to your lifestyle so you don't put yourself in danger. The same goes for curvier girls, if you are one, be proud, but when people try to pile on weight and virtually become dangerously obese, that is not healthy either. It is very hard to accept, but everyone is so bloody beautiful.

Society feeds us thoughts that we are never good enough to be 'beautiful'. But that is a game, with no winners. Take it on my case for example. I have had extreme issues with body image as a young teen and I have somehow come out clean the other end. I am fairly tall, 5'9 ft, but I have more of a muscular body. I do have the 'curves' people flaunt, a size D bra and because of my bone structure, my wide hips give me thigh gap. My collar bones are also quite prominent, I have broad shoulders. But somehow, this still doesn't fit, for I have chunky legs, and my arms are too lanky. I am not your typical 'body goals', and that used to mess with my head a lot. But, I have begun to love myself, and I don't know how. I want to be girls’ 'confidence goals' instead. I think I am beautiful. And through thinking this, I see everyone else as beautiful too; boys and girls. I cannot look at someone and think they are ugly. I see small features, mannerisms, smiles, noses, giggles and vibes which I fall in love with. Take care of your body and your mind. Becoming obsessed with 'perfection' (nothing is perfection) can cripple you so badly in life. We as young people need to live our lives. Eat that cookie. Go for that jog. Binge out on carrots. Listen to your stomach!!

Oh and by the way, you are stunning.

Find more of me on: @gabbiebee

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